
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2455-1880
Journal Title :Journal of Web Engineering & Technology
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :STM Journals
Country :India
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :STM Journals (an imprint of Consortium eLearning Network Pvt. Ltd.)
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2014
Journal Description :Journal of Web Engineering & Technology (JoWET): Journal of web Engineering & Technology is a refereed journal providing a forum and an authoritative source of information in web engineering and web technology field. It is devoted to analysis, design, development, use, evaluation & teaching of web based systems, application, sites and technologies based research. Focus and Scope Covers 1. Systems analysis and design 2. Hypermedia/hypertext engineering 3. Web engineering tools & methods 4. Modeling and model-based design and development 5. Navigation and hypermedia 6. Web design patterns and pattern mining 7. Web application evaluation, verification and validation 8. Web engineering for wireless platforms 9.Web standards, usability, universal accessibility, semantic web 10. Specification languages, management, negotiation and monitoring mechanisms. 11. Microsoft .NET, Sun One, IBM web sphere, oracle internet application Server. 12. Mobile web services, service-based approaches 13. Performance monitoring, evaluation metrics 14. Application frameworks/architectures, processes, methodologies & testing
Licence Type :CC BY
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