
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2621-9042
Journal Title :Matapena: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya
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Publisher Name :Wawan Hermawan
Country :Indonesia
Language :English,Indonesia
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Universitas Islam Majapahit
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2016
Journal Description :Matapena: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa Sastra dan Pengajarannya convers the fiefs of language, literature and teaching. Journal matapena published every June and December. The manuscript contained in the journal is the derived from the results of research and critical studies of lingistics includes: phonology, morfology, syntax, discourse, psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Ethnolingistics, semiotics, literature includes : the sociology of literature, literature psychology, education and learning.
Licence Type :CC BY
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