
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2641-7995
Journal Title :American International Journal of Education and Linguistics Research
Journal URL :
Publisher Name : Seungho Baek
Country :United States
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :American Center of Science and Education
Frequency :Monthly
Start Year :2019
Journal Description :American International Journal of Education and Linguistics Research is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal for Education and Linguistics academics. The AIJELR aims to provide platform for high quality research related to Education and Linguistics Research. The scopes of the journal include: Education method, education policy and education development; Educational technology and educational psychology; Special education and cross-cultural education; Science education Teaching and Learning Child development, curriculum, reading comprehension, philosophies of education and educational approaches Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language English language teachers’ training and education Studies in English Culture and Literature Individual Learning & Team Learning; Learning Strategies; Action Learning; Educational Learning; Self Managed Learning; Work-Based Learning; Organizational Learning; Experiential Learning; Social Learning; Knowledge Management; Training and Development; Psychology Development; Attitude Development; Organization Development; Leadership and Management Development; Human Resource Management; Human Capital Development; Sociological Development. Early Childhood Education; Higher Education; Vocational Education; Distance Education; Special Education; Educational Technology, Psychology, Administration, Evaluation; Teaching and Learning Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics Descriptive Linguistics Educational Theory, Policy and Practice Educational Administration and Evaluation Educational Psychology Educational Technology Creativity and Entrepreneurship at Schools Sociology of Education Language Teaching, Sports Pedagogy Educational Administration Language Education Teacher Education Educational Technology Business Education Medical Education Sociology of Education Social Context of Education Curriculum Studies Technology and Design Education Educational Change Theory of Education Education, Educational Administration, Educational Psychology, Economics of Education, Sociology of Education, etc
Licence Type :CC BY
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