
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2722-3639
Journal Title :Jurnal Geosains dan Remote Sensing
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Publisher Name :I Gede Boy Darmawan
Country :Indonesia
Language :Indonesian, English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :University of Lampung
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2020
Journal Description :Jurnal Geosains dan Remote Sensing (JGRS) merupakan jurnal ilmiah berkala di bidang geosains termasuk penginderaan jauh yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung sebanyak 2 edisi yaitu setiap bulan Mei dan November dalam satu tahun. Artikel yang diterbitkan telah melalui proses blind review dan proses editorial sesuai dengan standar publikasi ilmiah. Topik artikel diutamakan dari hasil penelitian yang original dan penelaahan ilmu pengetahuan yang baru dari bidang ilmu geosains seperti eksplorasi, pemetaan dan monitoring sumber daya alam maupun mitigasi bencana termasuk pemanfaatan penginderaan jauh. The Journal of Geoscience and Remote Sensing (JGRS) is a periodical scientific journal in the field of geoscience including remote sensing, which is published by the Department of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung in May and November in one year. Published articles have gone through a blind review process and editorial process in accordance with scientific publication standards. The topic of the article takes precedence over the results of original research and a review of new knowledge from the fields of geoscience such as exploration, mapping and monitoring of natural resources and disaster mitigation including the use of remote sensing.
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