
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :3025-0730
Journal Title :Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR)
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Galih Albarra Shidiq, Ph.D
Country :Indonesia
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :DAS Institute
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2023
Journal Description :Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR) is a journal that contains articles on the results of classroom studies from all researchers, lecturers, and teachers as well. This journal is one reputable journal in Indonesia which DAS Institute published. IJCAR is published 4 (four) times a year, in July, October, January, and April. This journal provides open access and free-of-charge submission to the public and will support the exchange of knowledge of research results in the field of education. Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR) aims to provide high-quality papers and critical issues in the field of education, including: Teaching and Learning Innovation, Instructional Design and Methodology, E-learning, Teacher Education, Educational Technology Learning Environment Assessment of Educational Practices Classroom Research Islamic Education Curriculum
Licence Type :CC BY-NC-SA
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