INFECÇÕES SANGUÍNEAS EM AMBIENTE HOSPITALAR E A RESISTÊNCIA BACTERIANA | Author : Ana Carolina Silva Freitas, Carlos Franz Benz, Orlando Chiarelli Neto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Bloodstream infectionin patients with venous catheters causes high rates of mortality in hospitalized patients. The aim of the study was to investigate how bloodstream infections are correlated with antibiotics use and bacterial resistance in hospitalized patients. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University Center of Espírito Santo. Blood samples from patients of different age groups were collected in 2017 and analysis of etiological agents was carried out in collaboration with the Clinical Analysis Laboratory Santa Maria. The data were evaluated using the software Origin 8.0 and Microsoft Excel 2016. The results showed a high rate of bloodstream infection in men. Among the 203 positive blood cultures, the most frequent bacteria found were Acinectobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus sp., Klebsiela pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus andStaphylococcus coagulase negativa. In this study, most bloodstream infectionin hospitalized patients were Klebsiella pneumoniae,Staphylococcus aureus andStaphylococcus coagulase negativawith significant resistance to the antibiotics erythromycin, oxacillin and gentamicin.
| AS FUNCIONALIDADES DO SISTEMA ÚNICO DE SAÚDE NA ÓTICA DA PROTEÇÃO HUMANA E DO MÍNIMO EXISTENCIAL: O DILEMA ENTRE A DIFICULDADE E NECESSIDADE | Author : Waléria Demoner Rossoni, Ana Karoline Rodrigues Monteiro, Thales Oliosi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Following the perspective that conceptions about the right to health in Brazil are essential, this article aims to discuss the evident difficulties and advances made by the Unified Health System -SUS throughout its thirty-two-year trajectory, highlighting, in the form of critical analysis, the Brazilian Health State and the meanings of health as a social and fundamental right. There is nothing more peculiar than the detailed analysis with the scope of reaching themes of this right as the responsibility of the State from the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Organic Laws and the Alma-Ata Conference. Given this rather very special view, it appears that the contemporary analysis allows for a critical conclusion with regard to the guidelines of the unified system involving the competences of the three federative bodies. This time, through the argumentation scheme, the importance of the Family Health Strategy -ESF for the implementation of the Brazilian Primary Health Care is discussed, as well as the setbacks regarding the regionalization process, management functionality and community participation. Therefore, there is nothing more visible and peculiar to the statement that the simultaneous problematization of redistributive issues will allow the SUS to resignify and remodel with the scope that it ceases to be a system for the less favored through effective advances in terms of access. |
| REPRESENTAÇÃO SOCIAL NO USO DE PERUCAS E PRÓTESES MAMÁRIAS EM MULHERES SUBMETIDAS AO TRATAMENTO QUIMIOTERÁPICO | Author : Jocássia Adam Lauvers Patrício, Adriene de Freitas Moreno Rodrigues, Luciano Antonio Rodrigues, Ingrid Gomes Vicente Tinelli | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Considered a public health problem, cancer is a chronic and complex disease that requires different treatment strategies. Patients submitted to them suffer changes in their self-image that engender damage to their mental health and impair their self-esteem, influencing their quality and perspective of life. The study aims to identify the social representations in the use of wigs and breast implants in women undergoing chemotherapy treatment. This is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, with 40 women from the oncology sector of a teaching hospital that has a social and psychological assistance program. This program provides wigs and breast implants for its patients. Aiming to identify the social representations in the use of these accessories in women undergoing chemotherapy, recorded interviews were conducted, with the evocation point: when talking about wigs and/or breast implants, what comes to your mind? The responses were transcribed and the evocations extracted by the software IRaMuTeQ version 0.7 Alpha 2. As a result, it was obtained the cloud of word and similarity analysis to assess the evocations. Observing the maximum trunks in the similitude analyses, it appears that the social representations were based on the importance of its use, aswell as its meaning in the chemotherapeutic process. Therefore, it is understood that wigs as well as protesis help to promote health and quality of life as they enhance the self-esteem of women undergoing chemotherapy. |
| ANÁLISE DA VIABILIDADE DA ADIÇÃO DE RESÍDUOS DA CONSTRUÇÃO CIVIL EM BLOCO DE ALVENARIA | Author : Marcos de Jesus Oliveira Filho, Endrik Nardotto Rios | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Currently, the increase in environmental concern is notable, especially in civil construction, since in this sector many natural resources are used, generating a large amount of solid waste. Therefore, this article aimed to evaluate the replacement of aggregate by recycled gravel consisting of civil construction waste (type 0 gravel) in the manufacture of simple concrete blocks without structural function, classified as class C by NBR 6136/2016. Through this standard and NBR 12118/2013, tests of resistance to axial compression and moisture absorption were performed, considering the replacement of gravel in percentages of 5%, 10% and 20%. The research results show that the blocks in all replacement percentages progressed, however only analyzed individually some had the minimum characteristic strength defined by the standard.For the absorption percentage, the replacement of 5% showed the best result and the others did not have high rates. The blocks in this study were disapproved to be used as masonry for use or non-structural use, however it was found that the addition of civil construction waste generated an increase in the characteristic strength to axial compression, while the absorption percentage obtained adequate results in certain replacements. Therefore, the research reinforces that the use of waste as aggregate is a viable option, presenting an efficient option to reduce the consumption of natural material and enabling the correct disposal of this material. |
| MANEJO E ASSISTÊNCIA DA EQUIPE DE ENFERMAGEM AO RECÉM-NASCIDO COM DOENÇA DA MEMBRANA HIALINA | Author : Stela Cesati, Vanilda Gomes Gimenez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), also known as Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD)is a syndrome that affects premature newborns in the gestational age between 28 to 32 weeks. This syndrome is characterized by progressive respiratory failure, resulting from the deficiency of surfactant, being one of the most common pathologies in the preterm neonatal population. This study aimed to identify the quality of assistance and the handling of the nursing team for premature newborns with HMD. The present study hasa descriptive nature, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. At first, the medical records filed at the teaching hospital in the city of Colatina were reviewed, referring to newborns who had DMH as a medical diagnosis, covering the period from 2016 to 2019. In the second moment, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied, which included 40 nursing professionals working in the Neonatal ICU, 29 nursing technicians and 11 nurses, with the Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Appreciation (CAAE) 33296820.9.0000.5062.Based on the results obtained from the medical records, it can be seen that DMH is a serious disease that leads to a high rate of neonatal mortality, since of 211 cases, 118 died, representing more than half (56%). Regarding to the data obtained through the questionnaire, it was detected the need to invest in specific training and continuing education with the nursing team, so that the care with the affected NBs can be constantly improved, since 35% had missed the pregnancy that the NB can present DMH, only 20% of the interviewees answered the main treatment (surfactant), 60% answered that there is difficulty in assisting the NB with DMH, 45% do not have / do not know / have not answered if there are any management and assistance in the neonatal unit, 52.5% answered that they are not / do not know / sometimes / did not answer if continuing education is carried out.Therefore, the efforts made regarding the care of this population must be constant, emphasizing the improvement and recurrent training, thus being able to obtain. |
| CONHECIMENTO SOBRE AS INFECÇÕES SEXUALMENTE TRANSMISSÍVEIS POR ESTUDANTES DA CIDADE DE TANGARÁ/RN | Author : Johnatan William Ferreira Silva, Mariane Caryne Ferreira Bezerra, Amanda Almeida Gomes Dantas, Dany Geraldo Kramer | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are those acquired mainly through intimate contact and may be caused by viruses, protozoa and bacteria. STIs are more prevalent among young people aged 15-21 because of immaturity, multiple partners and failures in sex education. Thus, this study aimed to analyze STIs, HIV and condom use knowledge by public school students from Tangará / RN. This exploratory and quantative work was performed in a public school in Tangará / RN. Data were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 and bivariate analysis was conducted using the chi-square test. It was observed that (55.6%) were men, (77.7%) aged between 16 and 18 years, (80.6%) considered themselves brown / black and (91.7%) were single. When asked about or knowledge of the transmission routes of some STIs, we observed the following percentage of respondents who were unaware of this information: 83.3% (mole Cancer); 83.3% (trichomoniasis)and 77.8% (chlamydia). Based on the data presented, it is important to reinforce health education actions in schools. Thus, it is expected that adolescents can be empowered, so that the prevention of STIs can be more effective. |
| O RESPONSÁVEL PELO PAGAMENTO DO IPTU NOS CONTRATOS EM QUE SOCIEDADE DE ECONOMIA MISTA SEJA ARRENDATÁRIA DE BEM DA UNIÃO | Author : Alfredo Lampier Junior, Fabiano Antonio Babilon, Jainy de Assis Miranda Magnago | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The main objective for the creation of this article is to carry out a research that deals with the delimitation of reciprocal tax immunity and the identification of the tax responsible for the payment of Urban Property and Land Tax (IPTU), when in public property lease contracts, signed between federative entities and societies of mixed economy. The theme deals with collection to public coffers, a very relevant subject for taxpayers and also about interference in free market competition that can directly influence the private sphere of individuals. Tax collection is part of everyones life, without distinction, when the taxpayers contribute directly or indirectly, with the allocation of amounts to the tax authorities on a daily basis. In this sense, the taxpayer is affected by any decision that has a positive or negative impact on public accounts. The goal of this paper is, therefore, to identify the understanding currently applied by the Supreme Court about the content, enabling a comparison of the evolutionof jurisprudence in this regard. |