QUALIDADE DO SONO E SONOLÊNCIA ENTRE ESTUDANTES INICIANTE DE ODONTOLOGIA DE UMA INSTITUIÇÃO PRIVADA DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 | Author : Natália Almeida Bastos Bitencourt, João Baptista Dallapicula Netto, Ramon Patrick Oliveira Rocha, Sandro Basso Bitencourt, Manoelito Ferreira Silva-Junior | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Due to the long hours and the high-performance demands placed on dentistry students, sleep disorders are common, especially during the early years of the course. These disorders can be exacerbated by external factors, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between sociodemographic and academic factors and sleep quality and sleepiness among first-year dentistry students at a private institution during the Covid-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional analytical study collected data online between November and December 2021 and included students enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of the University Center of Espírito Santo (UNESC) Graduation Course in Dentistry, located in Colatina, ES, Brazil. The data collection instruments included a sociodemographic and academic questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index for assessing sleep quality, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale for measuring sleepiness. In conclusion, a high prevalence of poor sleep quality and abnormal sleepiness was observed, and an association was found between sleep quality and the year of enrollment in the Dentistry program |
| SÍFILIS CONGÊNITA: ABORDAGEM E MANEJO DO RECÉM-NASCIDO PELA EQUIPE DE ENFERMAGEM EM UM HOSPITAL DA REGIÃO NOROESTE DO ESPÍRITO SANTO | Author : Julia Arrivabeni, Vanilda Gomes Gimenez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Congenital syphilis remains a present-day disease with a significant potential for harm to both the mother and newborn if left untreated. The nursing team, as a direct point of contact at all levels of care, plays a crucial role in providing assistance in such cases. This study aims to assess the approach and management of the nursing team when dealing with newborns diagnosed with congenital syphilis at a maternity hospital in the northwestern region of the state of Espírito Santo. This is a descriptive study with both qualitative and quantitative components, involving interviews with nursing professionals and an analysis of 171 medical records of pregnant women diagnosed with syphilis. The findings revealed gaps in prenatal care, with 25.14% of pregnant women having only 1 to 5 consultations, and 4.09% receiving no prenatal care at all. Furthermore, 69% of their partners did not undergo syphilis treatment or did so inadequately. Analysis of the 171 infants born to these women revealed 30 premature births, 7 cases of neurosyphilis, 35 with low birth weight, and sadly, 1 recorded death. Hence, it becomes evident that the nursing team holds a significant role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of congenital syphilis, along with the approach and management of infected newborns. This is essential for the improvement of this public health concern.
| AUTOMATIZAÇÃO ROBÓTICA DE PROCESSOS (RPA) NO DESENVOLVIMENTO E CRIAÇÃO DE EMPRESAS | Author : Camilo da Mota Lopes, Allan Stieg Candeia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The subject addressed in this article pertains to Robotic Process Automation (RPA), encompassing technologies for resource optimization through methods like the implementation of automated software. The overarching objective of this research is to showcase the simplicity of creating or outsourcing RPA solutions in business processes, thereby encouraging the entry of new companies into the current market or the consolidation of existing ones. RPA promotes agility, integrity, and efficiency in various task models. In the classification by the type of collection, this article conducts a comprehensive bibliographic search, drawing from scientific articles on the topic, to illustrate and emphasize the significance of process automation in the contemporary global market landscape.The research itself is grounded in data analysis, experiments, and relevant literature, all working to authenticate the importance of technological advancements in this field. The analyzed results underscore the feasibility of implementation and time management, ultimately contributing to increased profits and reduced production costs
| EM BUSCA DA BEATITUDE: A VERTENTE TELEOLÓGICA E A ORDEM DO AGIR HUMANO EM SANTO AGOSTINHO | Author : Waléria Demoner Rossoni, Valéria Ângela Colombi Marchesi, Michela Direne Penitente | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Undoubtedly, the pursuit of happiness in life, as well as the necessary path to attain it, has remained a central theme in the philosophical reflections of Saint Augustine. This aspect also formsa fundamental research problem for the current study. The objective, therefore, is to explore Augutinian ethics, particularly focusing on the concept of the ordo amoris or the order of love, through an analysis of relevant literature. The research methodology employed an exploratory approach, which included a bibliographical survey and a description of the characteristics of beatitude in Saint Augustine. The pursuit of happiness, as recognized, has always captivated human minds, as it is an inherent aspect of human essence. However, Augustine conception transcends the pursuit of ephemeral worldly goods, directing attention towards the Supreme Good, God One and Triune. Rejecting the notion that philosophy alone grants knowledge, Saint Augustine grounds happiness in the ultimate source, the Creator of all things and the very essence of beatitude itself. Considering the foregoing statements, this research is justified as it seeks to comprehend the order of love and provide a framework for understanding thepath to attaining supreme happiness. All too often, human beings mistakenly seek happiness in material, fleeting, and earthly possessions, resulting in missteps. In Saint Augustine perspective, human pride contributes to this misguided pursuit and obstructs the quest for true happiness, leading to a form of individual blindness. It is concluded that by transcending these obstacles, one can attain genuine contemplation of divinity and the happiness of the human soul. |
| PERFIL EPIDEMIOLÓGICO E INCIDÊNCIA TEMPORAL DAS NOTIFICAÇÕES DE INTOXICAÇÃO EXÓGENA POR AGROTÓXICOS EM COLATINA/ESPÍRITO SANTO, DE 2007 A 2019 | Author : Maria Eduarda Dornelas, Bruno Spalenza da Silva, Hemily Batista-Silva | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Brazil is the largest consumer of pesticides in the world and Espírito Santo has the highest incidence of pesticide poisoning per person, with Colatina as the largest city in the northwestern region of the state. Aim: To characterize the epidemiological profile and analyze the incidence of notifications of exogenous pesticide poisoning in Colatina (ES) from 2007 to 2019. Materials and Methods:Descriptive study with data obtained from Notifiable Diseases Information System and temporal incidence analysis through Joinpoint Regression Program®. Results: There was a higher incidence in men (59.2%) aged 15 to 39 years old and a higher incidence in 2013. Regarding the toxic agent, there were a higher incidence for agricultural use among men and for raticid use among women. Regarding the circumstances: presented 53.1% of the cases with emphasis on women, followed by accidental (27.3%) and exposure to work (12.4%). In the temporal evaluation, there was a significant variation in the percentage of annual changes for Colatina and in the circumstance of suicide attempt. Conclusion: Although toxicological incidents with pesticides have regressed over the years, their exposure results in health-damaging complications, such as intoxication, especially for the category suicide attempt. |
| O ESTÁGIO CURRICULAR OBRIGATÓRIO E NÃO OBRIGATÓRIO COMO CAMPO DE CONHECIMENTO NA FORMAÇÃO INICIAL DE PROFESSORES: a percepção dos estudantes do Curso de Pedagogia do Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo –UNESC | Author : Mônica Pereira Andrade Nascimento, Pâmela Santana Teixeira | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to examine the development of mandatory and non-compulsory curricular training practices, as perceived by teachers at the University Center of Espírito Santo (UNESC), with a focus on the perspective of Pedagogy course students. The objective was to conduct research through a documentary analysis of materials used in the execution of both mandatory and non-mandatory internships. These materials included structured models for mandatory curricular internships and course reports from the higher education institution for non-compulsory internships. The study sought to explore students perceptions at UNESC concerning the impact of both mandatory and non-compulsory internships on their initial teacher training. The research involved gathering and organizing all available materials from UNESC and utilized Google tools for structuring the data. Thematic document analysis was applied tostudy the identified categories, specifically focusing on internships as a means of bridging practical and theoretical aspects of teaching. Following the categorization process, the collected information was organized into spreadsheets and graphs to provide a clear and objective representation of the highlighted aspects. It is worth emphasizing that throughout the categorization process, the study remained aligned with its research objectives and the relevant epistemological paradigms. |